Case Hauv Malaysia: JB BATTERY Plug-And-Play Battery Modular Thiab Fast Installation

JB BATTERY muaj lub peev xwm tshaj lij thiab kev paub dhau los los ua tus tswv lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb thev naus laus zis los pab koj hloov pauv kev lag luam tsheb golf! Peb nqa tag nrho cov roj teeb lithium rau lub tsheb golf, tsheb thauj mus los, lub rooj zaum fais fab, UTV, ATVs, thiab lwm yam. Tus nqi ntawm lub zog muab rau hauv peb lub laub golf yog staggering txiav txim siab tias qee qhov ntawm peb cov roj teeb them tag nrho hauv tsawg li 30 feeb! Muaj ib qho laj thawj kev kawm golf thoob plaws ntiaj teb tau hloov mus rau lithium golf laub roj teeb thiab qhov ntawd yog kev ua haujlwm zoo.
Tag nrho cov JB BATTERY plug-and-play roj teeb yog modular thiab ceev installation, yog li koj tuaj yeem txuas lawv ua ke ua ke los yog sib npaug rau ntau lub zog. JB BATTERY LiFePO4 golf laub roj teeb muab cov tswv lub laub golf zoo ib yam kev ntseeg siab ntawm lub hnub mus txog hnub poob thiab nrog 75% txo qhov hnyav, koj lub laub yuav ua tau zoo dua thiab sai dua. Kev paub zoo dua golf laub tuav, hnav tsawg dua & tsim kua muag, thiab txo tus nqi kho.
Lub tsheb golf lub nkoj ua haujlwm rau lub chaw so hauv Malaysia, lawv lub laub Lead-Aicd roj teeb lub neej tawm, lawv tsav tsis tau ntev dua. Cov neeg ntaus golf yws cov kev pabcuam lub laub ntau zaus. Yog li lub chaw ua si yuav tsum tau txhim kho qhov xwm txheej no, yog tias yuav lub tsheb golf tshiab, nws yuav raug nqi ntau, vim tias cov tsheb golf loj. Tab sis lub chaw so tau xaiv txoj kev thib ob: hloov kho lub tsheb golf tsheb roj teeb los ntawm Lead-Acid rau LiFePO4 Lithium. Lawv xaj JB BATTERY's LiFePO4 golf laub roj teeb nrog rau qhov loj me thiab shpae, lawv tuaj yeem haum rau lawv tus kheej lub laub. Ua rau qhov no JB BATTERY ODM roj teeb kev pabcuam, nws txuag tau nyiaj ntau rau lub chaw so.
Qhov zoo ntawm JB BATTERY's lithium roj teeb:

Tsib Xyoo Warranty
Ua nrog LiFePO4 roj teeb hlwb uas tau tsim kho kom xa cov kev ua tau zoo tshaj plaws, Zoo Tshaj Plaws hauv kev hloov rau AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery. Lub xeem 8 mus rau 10 lub sij hawm ntev dua li cov roj teeb txhuas txhuas. Peb cov khoom muaj 10 xyoo kev pab cuam lub neej thiab muab tsib xyoos warranty.
Kev siv dav dav
50% sib dua li cov kua qaub roj teeb ntawm tib lub peev xwm, Thiab tsis muaj kev nco qab, txawm tias lub roj teeb nyob hauv lub xeev, nws tuaj yeem siv tau sai li sai tau thaum nws them. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau 12V sib sib zog nqus daim ntawv thov hauv Caravans, Camper Trailers, Cov Khoom Siv Kho Mob, Motorhomes & Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob Scooter.
Cov ncej zoo thiab tsis zoo ntawm lub roj teeb tuaj yeem tso tawm thiab them lub roj teeb.JB BATTERY LiFePO4 roj teeb lub tiaj tus tawm nkhaus tuav saum 12V txog li 90% ntawm nws lub peev xwm siv tau muab kev txhawb nqa hnub qub hauv lub sijhawm ua haujlwm piv rau tsuas yog 50% hauv Lead Acid.

Ua-hauv Smart BMS
JB BATTERY LiFePO4 roj teeb muaj built-in BMS (Battery Management System) los tiv thaiv nws ntawm overcharge, over-discharge, over-current, and short circuit with excellent self-discharge rate. Built-in kub tiv thaiv muaj nuj nqi, BMS txiav tawm them nqi qis dua -4℉(-20°C), siab kub txiav tawm tiv thaiv kom them tshaj 158℉(70℃).Battery BMS tsis txhawb roj teeb series siv.Yog koj xav siv nws nyob rau hauv series, thov hu rau peb rau customization.
JB BATTERY Lithium Golf Cart Batteries pab koj ua si ntev dua nrog ob zaug lub sijhawm ua haujlwm rau koj lub tsheb golf lossis lub tsheb fais fab thaum siv sijhawm ntev dua 4x, muab qhov tshwj xeeb rau lub neej. Ntxiv rau, JB BATTERY Lithium roj teeb yuav tsum tsis muaj kev saib xyuas (tsis muaj dej, tsis muaj corrosion), yog qhov zoo rau kev cia ntev (JB BATTERY Lithium roj teeb poob tsuas yog 3% nqi ib hlis vs 33% rau cov kua qaub), thiab tuaj yeem them 5X sai dua. lead-acid - muab sijhawm rau koj ntau dua, thiab muaj kev ywj pheej ntau dua rau thiab tawm ntawm ntsuab.
Tsis tas li ntawd, JB BATTERY Lithium roj teeb yuav kav ntev dua 10 lub sij hawm ntev dua li cov roj ntsha lead-acid uas yuav tshem tawm cov tswv golf cov kev xav tau txuas ntxiv hloov lawv cov roj teeb txhuas-acid yog li txo koj cov kev tu xyuas los ntawm 100% dhau sijhawm! Txawm hais tias koj yog tus tswv lub tsheb golf lossis tus tswv chav golf JB BATTERY Lithium roj teeb yog lub tsheb golf zoo tshaj plaws ntawm lub khw!
Huizhou JB Battery Technology Limited yog cov chaw tsim khoom lag luam koom nrog R & D thiab tsim cov LiFePO4 Roj teeb, NCM Lithium roj teeb thiab Polymer lithium roj teeb, dav siv hauv lithium-ion roj teeb rau cov tsheb hluav taws xob tsawg, xws li lub tsheb golf, tsheb fais fab (EV. ) roj teeb, tag nrho cov tsheb tsheb (ATV) roj teeb, hluav taws xob tsheb (UTV) roj teeb, tsheb ua si (RV) roj teeb, hluav taws xob 3 log maus taus roj teeb.
Peb tseem tab tom nrhiav rau LiFePO4 lithium roj teeb kev koom tes nrog thoob ntiaj teb, yog tias koj xav ua tus neeg sawv cev ntawm JB BATTERY:
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb nyob hauv Asmeskas,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum Europe,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv UK,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv Is Nrias teb,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv Australia,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv Canada,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv South Africa,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv Nyiv,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob hauv Europe,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv Kauslim,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb chaw muag khoom hauv Malaysia,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv Philippines,
Lithium-ion golf laub roj teeb tsum nyob rau hauv Nyab Laj,
Hu rau peb tam sim no!